Well what a month...June aready?! Holy Moly where does the time go?
Well I know my time is all messed up....I'm on drugs! What! You ask... she's a druggy!!? Oh No!
These are all perscription... don't worry! But they do have a way of putting me in "a fog".
I have been sorting gourds. Planting gourds. Thinking about painting gourds. Wondering what I am ever going to do with all these gourds.........
This year I have had some bad luck germinating those gourds! But, I found some little seedlings growing out near the edge of the swamp (like how I tossed that in!). This will be a surprise gourd crop this year! I have a feeling they are eggs and mini spinners. But, hey! Who knows!
Trying to get so much done before surgery! I think I'm just going to give that idea up!
I did get the little gourdies transplanted, a few tomatoes, yard long and pole beans planted. I also planted two grape vines in the gourd arbors. Catnip is now fenced completly in.... we had a bunce of very high, stagering, rolling cats in the yard. My poor plant was nothing but a stub!
Got some new fish for the pond. How can 40+ feeder goldfish dissapear? Figure I'ld start with a 'few' and see how many grow.
And everyone that has been asking.... (THANKS FOR ASKING) Yes, I am in Ohio. Yes, I am fine. Tornados have been sliding south and north of us. We are getting some high winds and lots of rain. Rain is good, because I don't have to drag my hose out to water. Draging that hose is a drag! But dear Hubby has to mow more.... man is that grass growing fast!